New Zealand North Island East Coast Travel banner image

We didn't decide any schedule before we go. Sometimes we got a good chance, and sometimes we got problem. Anyway we had a fun time this motor home journey.




Camp site

24/12, Sta

Auckland - Whakatane

Christmas party

Friend's house

25/12, Sun


Christmas party part 2

Kohi Point Walkway


Friend's house

26/12, Mon

Whakatane - Ohiwa

Friend's second house

27/12, Tue


Friend's second house

28/12, Wed


Friend's second house

29/12, Thur


Stroll & drive around Opotiki 

Friend's second house

30/12, Fri

Ohiwa - Opape

Opape Motor Camp

31/12, Sat

Opape - Waihau bay

Waihau bay holiday park

1/1, Sun

Waihau bay

Waihau bay holiday park

2/1, Mon

Waihau bay - Tolaga Bay

Tolaga Bay Holiday Park

3/1, Tue

Tolaga Bay

Tolaga Bay Holiday Park

4/1, Wed

Tolaga Bay

Opoutama Cooks Cove Walkway

Tolaga Bay Holiday Park

5/1, Thur

Tolaga Bay - Morere

Morere Camping Ground

6/1, Fri

Morere - Wairoa

Mangakawa Track

Riverside Motor Camp

7/1, Sat

Wairoa - Eskdale

Eskdale Holiday Park

8/1, Sun


Eskdale Holiday Park

9/1, Mon

Eskdale - Rotorua

Friend's second house

10/1, Tue

Rotorua - Auckland



We spent Christmas with Meer family and their friends. Then we moved with Meer parents to their another friend's second house.We separated from them on the 30th December, and we have started our motor home journey.It was a hard job that we were looking for camp ground without reservation in new year holidays. Any grounds packed with people. Children were hyper in some camping ground with their parents. They used too much space and made too loudly annoyed us. We decided we are not going to travel holiday season on this occasion. 





This was the first time we visited north island east coast. That was very countryside than I expected. Even though we could find the small town was Te Araroa between Opotiki to Tokomaru Bay, there was a few shop only. We like to drive and stay in nature, but if we couldn't meet civilization for a long time, we became miss it. Also it is necessary the town for getting groceries.

We have been bringing enough groceries while motor home journey. Because even if we use holiday park in countryside, they sell only bread or canned foods. Further more if we left from town, it is hard to find restaurant. We need to do self-management for our foods. If you do that, you can have a delicious food that you make any places.


We were lucky we could hike two times, even though unplanned journey. We got different view each hiking course, The nature scenery gave us energy to our heart. This journey was only 2 weeks. After we went back, I wanted go to another travel as soon as I can. We planned another travel in March, cause we had enough time in New Zealand.





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